General sales term and conditions

These are Ferrometal’s (supplier) the general terms and conditions of sales. When onced appealed to these terms, these conditions and terms are concidered to be accepted on later commerce.


The prices are free suppliers warehouse without oblication. Priced do not include value added tax. Invoicing is based on the prices of delivery date.

Commercial price is agreed between the parties or bases on Ferrometal’s current price list. The supplier retains the right to change the price in case of alteration in the factors not under supplier’s influence take place before the delivery, such as taxes, duties, etc.

Right of ownership

The right of ownership to the goods passes to the customer when the goods are fully paid.

Terms of payment

The payment period is shown on an invoice. For the payments after the due date the supplier collects 16% interest on arrears. The supplier is also entitled to demand collection expenses.

Returns and crediting

Return of goods must always be agreed upon Ferrometal’s sales or customer service. The return must be carried out using freight indicated by Ferrometal.

The goods to be returned has to be faultless and the packages intact.

When the return is due to Ferrometal’s fault, the credit is 100%

If the return takes place due to a factor on customer’s side, the suplier credits 80% at maximum of the value of the order. Customer specific products or non-stock products that have been traded for customer are not valid for return and no credit is accepted for such products.

The returning goods must include a copy of Ferrometal’s delivery note, contact information and name of the person of the company returning the delivery and a name of Ferrometal’s personnel agreed the return.


Reclamations regarding a delivery or an invoice must take place within eight days of the date of an invoice.


The deliveries are on customer’s liability. Insurance is taken out only when customer requires in written form.

Indirect harm

Myyjä ei ole velvollinen korvaamaan ostajalle viivästyksestä eikä toimituksen virheellisyydestä aiheutuneita välillisiä vahinkoja.

The supplier is not to be held accountable or reimburse any harm to the customer due to late delivery, error

Force Majeure

The supplier is not obligated to fullfill the commercial agreement in case of natural phenomenon, fire, brakadown of machinery, strike, war, import/export regulation, finish of production, trafic disturbance or other obstacle that the supplier is not capable of overcome, hinders the delivery or part of the delivery. The supplier is not obligated to reimburse any loss to the customer due to not being able to fullfill the agreement and the supplier is entitled to cancel the agreement.

Delivery, handling or invoicing fees

The supplier does not collect delivery, handling or invoicing fees on normal order and deliveries.